Travis Clay Travis Clay

The Wedding Makeover: 5 Months Away!

Hi everyone, I’m back! As you can probably tell by my lack of posts after month 2, these last couple of months have been all over the place. After a while of experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions and still adjusting to this new 9-5 work life I think I’ve finally gotten myself together and I’m really feeling better than ever. I hesitated to write that because of course, I’ll have my days when I feel the complete opposite, but between the new year and my wedding being only six months away…I’m feeling pretty awesome!

Toward the end of 2022, Travis and I had a serious chat about what it will take to get the results I want within the timeframe that I’m faced with. To sum our conversation up in a few words, if I’m going to get anywhere i need to be fully committed to do what it takes to reach my goals. What I’m seeking is not just a quick fix to lose a ton of weight for one day. I’m seeking to change my lifestyle as a whole! Travis’ words stuck hard with me for the last two weeks of 2022. They were tough to hear, but I knew he was right. So, I made a plan for 2023!

One of the biggest obstacles I had to overcome moving forward was completing my weekly workouts. In the Fall, I would go full weeks without completing one workout. This made me feel so guilty for taking Travis’ time that he spent putting them together and I wasn’t feeling great in general because I wasn’t getting any exercise. One thing I told Travis at the beginning of this that I would NEVER do was wake up at 6am and go workout…well I am a month into 2023 and I have gone to the gym at 6am every single week. In the Fall, I would come home from work and want to relax for the rest of the night without any other responsibility looming over my head. I didn’t complete my workouts because they felt like a burden, not something for my own benefit. Now that I’ve gotten into a routine of coming in before work every day, I leave work and have the freedom to do whatever I want with my night AND I can feel glad to have gotten my workout done for the day.

Along with my new schedule, I’ve begun doing the InBody scan every week to track my progress. For the first three weeks of this new year, I was stuck at the same weight but I was growing in muscle mass and decreasing body fat. Finally, last week I was down a pound in my weight! Honestly, that one little number meant so much to me. Even though it’s hardly progress, it’s a number in the right direction and I couldn’t be more happy about it! If I want to continue to feel this way and move in the right direction, I know what it’ll take. I’m so thankful to Travis for continuing to push and coach me. See you next month!

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